Trying again

I was sober from December 15th 2019 -> Approx July 25th 2020.

7 months and a week.

I thought I could have some fun on our July vacation, relax unwind. But then I couldn’t seem to stop again. Shoot and now it’s 3 months later. I thought to myself that we were fighting as much. It wasn’t such a nuisance this time.

But now we’re right back to it – want to drink every night, wanted to drink first thing the last 2 Saturdays… and a huge fight Saturday October 17th… causing me to call my dad to flee my spouse. His drinking is just as bad, maybe worse than mine… But you can only change yourself…. So back to helping/changing myself.

Today is day 3… Again…

Haven’t we reflected on this already already?

>>>”My disease says right now, I’m calling and you answer”:

>>>”Sobriety gave me everything that drugs and alcohol promised me”:

>>>”Cunning, Baffling, and Powerful”:

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